The Power of Silence “When the lips are closed, then the heart begins to speak.” Sufi saying Silence. Ah, if only you could get away from everything. Take a holiday, go walking in the mountains, cycle across a continent, if only… That’s the big problem...
A key turned in the lock. The next thing he knew his son had grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall. ‘I knew it, Dad, you rat, I knew you couldn’t change. What were you going to do, sell our secrets for some coins?’ He squeezed...
Time leads on and things decay.A the same ‘time’ seasons begin and end. The day begins and ends.Life begins and ends. We are born, and with the breath…We die, and the breath leaves us. Is there a time before life?Is there a time after death? Time continues for those...
Writing Fantasy. What is it to ‘write’ fantasy? Are we fantasy writers living in an imaginary world? Escapists? Refusing to accept a ‘normal’ reality? Yes, all these things. But to me, writing fantasy is as much a representation of imagination...
Writing has always been a passion of mine, indulged by both reading and writing fiction and poetry. And although I never pursued a career in science, I retain an interest in astronomy, particle physics and weird mathematics. I don’t pretend to understand the world...