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My young adult fantasy novel Eritopia is currently being serialized on the writing platform Wattpad.

I’ve had some nice comments and I will be posting 2-3 new parts a week on there until it’s complete.

Please feel free to pop along there, read, comment and share!

The link to Eritopia on Wattpad is HERE


A disillusioned creature, Not-Bear, sets off on a quest to discover his identity. Leaving the security of the Inside, where animals live, he journeys over the mysterious Outside, to Eritopia, City of Men. There, dark forces are helping the power-crazed King Barnabas search for him.

On his adventures, Not-Bear meets both allies and enemies. Based on an ancient prophecy, he learns he is a catalyst for change in the world. As the new Cycle of Time begins, can he evade the King’s attention long enough to enable the forces of good to unite? Or will the dark forces conquer all?