It has been an uneventful start to the New Year; after a leisurely morning we go to Pizza Hut for lunch. The children manage to eat more than we do! Then we wander around the few shops that are open in Bury, as if we haven’t had enough of shopping. Other dazed families are suffering the same fate; children clutching Bratz purses or Star Wars wallets stalk the aisles in search of scraps to buy with whatever money they have left. Everything is something off and items no one wanted at retail cost suddenly become must-have prizes, as the discount stickers glow on the shelves in phosphorescent red and yellow.

Still, that’s Christmas. Over. Tara and her kids come round for the afternoon, Bev irons and Tara and I list a couple of items for sale on eBay, my first. Oh the excitement of selling tat! Must send some emails out too, firstly to wish family the obligatory New Year happiness, then to advise members of the writers’ group of the date of the next meeting. I don’t make resolutions, so have none to list, except to resolve to do more writing, more meaningful writing, which I class as drafts, synopses and corrections. This is the unromantic bit, the perspiration, the 99% slice of the pie. Also, I need to enjoy this part more, which I now do, thanks largely to the feedback and interest from the group. It has been a productive year, but I need to get better, so I resolve only to:

Watch less TV.

That should provide some of the time needed. Also;

to do less shopping.

No problem there then. I feel more productive already.